News Announcement of Bishop Garmendia’s parents’ 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration in Lazcano, Basque Country, Spain
Yo soy una hermana del Obispo Garmendia. Asisti a su funeral con mi esposo Miguel, un sobrino y dos sobrinas. Desafortunadamente debido a la edad y a las enfermedades nuestros hermanos y hermanas no pudieron venir de Espana.
El amor y afecto que recibimos de todos con ocasión de la muerte de nuestro hermano ambos en Santo Tomas de Aquino y la Catedral de San Patricio estarán con nostros para siempre. Estuvimos hablando por muchos días de las muchas bondades que le dieron a mi hermano y debido a ello nos la dieron también a nosotros. Sabíamos que la gente le amaba pero cuando lo vimos nosotros mismo lo pudimos comorobar en nuestros corazones. En los pasados años cuando vino de vacaciones a casa nos habló de su gente y como ellos se amaban. Solamente lo pudimos entender hasta ahora.
En particular, agradezco a las hermanas Dominicas de Hawthorne con su equipo de trabajo y voluntarios. No hay lugar en el mundo sus sean como los de Rosary Hill. El amor y el cuidado gentil dados a Francisco en los pasados 2 años y medios son indescriptibles. Fue un consuelo grande al escuchar que el Lunes en la tarde del 14 de Noviembre la Visita de la estada de la Virgen de Fatima a Rosary Hill de salir la imagen fue traida al cuarto de Francisco. El murio el miercoles a las 11:10 a.m.
A cada uno y a todos van nuestras oraciones. Nunca les olvidaremos.
On Wednesday, January 10, 1996, Lucindo Suarez was inducted as a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York. Bishop Francisco Garmendia gave the Invocation and Opening Address, speaking about his long friendship with Justice Suarez, and stressing importance of Natural Law in the realm of Justice.
Today is Lucindo Suarez’s Day. It is the day of his Judicial Induction to the Supreme Court of the State of New York. It is also a great honor and satisfaction for me to give this invocation.
The name Lucindo tells us that our dear Judge will be committed to be what his name Lucindo means: a light. I have known Judge Suarez for many years. I officiated at his marriage to Hilda at the Church of the Blessed Sacrament in the Bronx. I knew then that their future would be an excellent one. They have two beautiful daughters, Roslyn, whom I baptized, and Roxanne.
As Isaiah was chosen by God, so too, Lucindo has been chosen by God to bring justice to the people of the State of New York. It is no small matter to be chosen. This commission or call to service requires a sense of personal obligation, a sense of public trust on the part of the elected official which gives meaning and dignity to his public life.
Lucindo, this call to service exhorts you to dedicate yourself to the wisdom of our Founding Fathers. A wisdom which proclaims God’s rightful place in human affairs, a wisdom so memorably expressed by the Father of our Country in his Farewell Address: “Of all the dispositions and habits that lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports; reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national or state morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principles.”
Judge Lucindo Suarez, you will be dealing with the application of the Natural Law, which is written and engraved in each and every human being, because it is human reason ordaining them to do good and forbidding them to sin. But this command of human reason would not have the force of law if it were not for the voice and interpreter of a higher reason to which our spirit and our freedom must be submitted.
The Natural Law, the Creator’s very good work provides the solid foundation on which human beings can build the structure of moral values to guide their right choices. The Natural Law that you will be providing will give the necessary basis for the Civil Law with which it is connected whether by reflection that draws conclusions from its principles or by addition of a positive and juridical nature.
Where then are these rules written, if not in the Book of that Light we call the Truth? In it is written every just law; from it the law passes into the heart of the man who does justice, not that it migrates into it, but that it places its imprint on it, like a seal in a ring that passes onto wax, without leaving the ring.
The Natural Law is nothing other than the light of understanding placed in us by God; through it we know what we must do and what we must avoid. God has given this Light or Law at the Creation.
Dear Lord, we pray that Judge Lucindo Suarez will provide courageous leadership in his new position as a Justice of the State of New York. May he follow the example of Jesus in giving special concern for the poor, and may all his actions be guided by a deep love of God and neighbor.
I wish you, Judge Suarez all the blessings of God and the love of our Blessed Mother.
In this video recorded in 1981, Bishop Garmendia talks about his Basque roots and his ministry.
I am a sister of Bishop Francisco Garmendia. I attended his funeral with my husband Michael a nephew and 2 nieces. Unfortunately, due to age and illness, our other brothers and sisters were unable to make the trip from Spain.
The love and affection we received from everyone. on the occasion of our brother’s death, both at St. Thomas Aquinas Church and St. Patrick’s Cathedral, will stay with us for the rest of our lives. We will spend many days and evenings talking about the many kindnesses that were given to our brother and because him to us. We knew his people loved him, but when we saw it openly displayed, it went straight to our hearts. In years past, when he came home on vacations, he would talk about “his people” and how loving they were. But we could not understand until now.
In particular, I would like to thank the Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne along with their staff and volunteers. There is no place in the world like Rosary Hill. The love and gentle care given to Francisco these last 2-1/2 years is beyond description. It was especially consoling to hear that on the evening of Monday, Nov. 14, the “Visiting Statue of Fatima” came to Rosary Hill and before leaving was brought down to Francisco’s room. He passed away on Wednesday the 16th at 11:10am.
To each and every one our prayers. We will never forget you.
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