6 Nov 1924 – Born Lazcano, Spain
29 Jun 1947 – Ordained Priest Priest of Canons Regular of the Congregation of the Most Holy Saviour of the Lateran
Parish of St Thomas Aquinas: Date of Installation: November 26, 1976
Auxiliary Bishop of New York: Date of Installation: June 29, 1977
Vicar of the South Bronx: Date of Installation: January 1, 1986
30 Oct 2001 – Retired Auxiliary Bishop of New York, New York, USA
16 Nov 2005 – Died Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of New York, New York, USA
Parish Groups
a) Legion of Mary
“Aurora Naciente Praesidium” (1977) Adult
“Madre Del Resucitado” (1988) Adult
“Rosario Viviente Praesidium: (1988) Youth
b) Charismatics (Spanish) (1978)
c) Charismatics (English) (1978)
d) Neo-Chatecumenate (1988)
e) Alcoholics Anonymous (1988)
f) Narcotics Anonymous (1989)
g) Association of the Families of Drug Addicts (1990)
h) Children of Mary (1967)
i) People for Change (1986)
j) Spanish Choir (1980)
k) Hope Line (1989)
l) Youth Group (1980)
m) Charismatics (Children’s Group) (1988)
Parish Activities – Ministries
a) Parish Council (1989)
b) Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist (1985)
c) Lectors (1985)
d) Ushers (1977)
e) Baptismal Instructions (1987)
f) Finance Committee (1988)
g) Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (1987)
h) Perpetual Rosary (1987)
i) Confirmation Classes (1990)
j) R.C.I.A. Religious Instruction (Spanish) (1987)
k) R.C.I.A. Religious Instruction (Engish) (1987)
l) Religious Instriction for Every Classin the School of the Parish
m) Procession with the Blessed Sacrament thorugh the streets of the Parish
n) Procession with the Statue of the Blessed Virgin through the streets of the Parish
o) Housing
p) Pantry
q) Good Friday Procession