Queen of the Clergy Oratory of Divine Mercy

Most Rev. Francisco Garmendia, D.D.
New York Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus
Most Rev. Se’amus Hegarty
Bishop Emeritus of Derry, N.Ireland
Most Reverend Emilio S. Allué, SDB, DD.
Retired Episcopal Vicar for the Hispanic Apostolate, Boston
Mission Statement
Queen of the Clergy Oratory of Divine Mercy calls generous people to intercessory prayer for bishops and priests and vocations to the priesthood and religious life. In parishes and homes, individuals and families devote time to prayer, penance, spiritual reading, and study according to the circumstances of their lives. Intercessors are encouraged to spend as much time as possible in silent adoration with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
Generosity (hospitality) to priests is the special charism of the Intercessors. In imitation of Mary in the Upper Room, they pray and support bishops and priests in a spirit of repentance and merciful love, extending hospitality whenever possible.
Special Weekly practices include:
Thursday Eucharistic Holy Hour in thanksgiving to the Merciful Jesus for the gift of the Holy Eucharist and the Holy Priesthood; all prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day are offered for the sanctification of priests.
Friday Devotion to the Passion of Christ in atonement for our sins and the sins of the world, and in particular for the abuses to the Holy Eucharist and the Holy Priesthood;
Saturday Devotion to Our Lady in honor of her Divine Maternity, including First Saturday devotion in reparation to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Formation of Mary’s Eucharistic Intercessors
– Responding to the Call
– Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary (St. Louis DeMontfort)
– Spiritual Formation (Mary, Eucharist, Priesthood)
– Eucharistic Holy Hour on Thursdays
– Spiritual Direction with Priests affiliated with the Oratory
– Yearly Retreat
Spiritual Practices
It may not be impossible for intercessors to fulfill all of the spiritual practices of the oratory due to health, family issues or a shortage of priests in their area. In some parts of the country daily Mass is not celebrated, churches are closed during the week, and priests are not available for weekly confession. In these circumstances intercessors are to avail themselves of the Sacrament of Confession whenever possible and carry out the spiritual practices accrdingly. These include Spiritual Communions throughout the day, the short form of the Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary, enrollment in the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, daily Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, and Way of the Cross (using a booklet or card, if necessary), spiritual reading, and daily examination of conscience. The intercessor’s prayer book is arranged to make it easy to follow the practices of Mary’s Eucharistic Intercessors.
St. Pio, Spiritual Father of Queen of the Clergy Oratory Movement, pray for us.